Kathryn is pictured with Rick Harris and Nicole Benochea

The 2022 Individual School Board Member of the Year is Kathryn Whitaker.
Kathryn is pictured with Rick Harris and Nicole Benochea. Kathryn has served on
the Churchill County School Board since 2015. She currently serves on
Churchill’s Legislative Committee, Policy Committee, and Superintendent
Evaluation Committee. Through her work on the Policy Committee, she cleaned
up language, proposed deletions of outdated policies, and aligned policies to
current NRS. She also worked to overhaul the budget policy to prioritize student
needs first. Kathryn’s work on the Superintendent Evaluation Committee
improved the Governance Model to enable the board to be as effective as
possible to promote student achievement first. Additionally, Kathryn has served
as a Vice President for two years and as Board President in 2019. Further,
Kathryn has served as a NASB Director, Legislative Chair, and Vice President.
During this year as President of NASB, Kathryn has presided over a period of
transition at NASB with grace, strength, and wisdom. Her thoughtful and
insightful leadership has given stability to the association. Her focus has always
been on what is best for the association and for the students of Nevada. It is an
honor to recognize Kathryn Whitaker as the Individual School Board Member of
the Year.